The Remnant Army .info

Choose your language (default is English):

The goal of this website is to provide people around the world with information on Maria Divine Mercy Messages in various languages. is unofficial but maintained by volunteers from Crusade Prayer groups.

We would like to help people to put online some translations of the Messages in their languages, the Seal of the Living God, leaflets and everything what can help to spread the Messages.

The website was published on 30 January 2016.
Last update 21 August 2021.

To ask to change data presented on this website or to receive help please contact admins of local websites in your country or in a language you speak.

God bless you!

See in English:
Messages and Prayers
The Seal of the Living God
Leaflets and booklets
Internet banners

Websites in English and multilingual:
English language websites
Multilingual websites

See your continent or region of the world:
North America
Middle Amercia
South America
Middle East and West Asia
Central, East and South Asia
Australia and Oceania
Other regions

See also:
Other websites, blogs, articles and videos
Internet stores.

The Seal of The Living God
Graphic representation in Latin.

Full classic color version (A4)

Messages and Prayers in English

The Book of Truth - all Messages

All Messages of Maria Divine Mercy

The Book of Truth - all Messages on the FatherOfLoveAndMercy blog.

All Prayers

All Crusade Prayers (170), Litany Prayers (6) and Other Prayers (41):

All Prayers - Version 1 (text file)
All Prayers - Version 2 (text file, color titles and descriptions)
All Prayers - Version 3 (PDF, A4 format)
All Prayers - Version 4 (PDF, A4 format, color titles and descriptions)

In other languages

Messages and Prayers have been translated into tens of languages. Please scroll down the website to see what is available in your language. Please help to translate.

The new official website of the Mission of Salvation

   Jesus to Mankind Global

The new official website: JTM Global Network (

There are lilnks to official online events on Zoom - prayer meetings in tens of langauges and newsletters in various langauges.

   Official YouTube channel


Many videos in many languages

The Seal of the Living God in English

Full classic A4 color version

The Seal of the Living God (PDF)

Text of the Seal

The Seal of the Living God (text)

Seal cards for private printings

The Seal of the Living God, ten cards on A4 format

Seal card version A (with a description that it was blessed by a priest - it must be given to a priest to be blessed before sharing or distributing)
Seal card version B

Seal cards for professional printing

Seal card version A (with a description that it was blessed by a priest - it must be given to a priest to be blessed before sharing or distributing)
Seal card version B

The Seal of the Living God leaflet

The Seal of the Living God leaflet (PDF, A4 format, 2 pages)

In other languages

The Seal has been translated to over 50 languages. Please help to translate if there is yet no Seal in your langauge. We can prepare full color Seal PDF various versions in your language.

Leaflets and booklets in English

Leaflet about the Mission of Salvation

Basic information about the Messages, apparitions and this Mission.
Preparation for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ:

Apparitions and the Mission - version 1 (PDF, A5 format, color, 4 pages)
Apparitions and the Mission - version 2 (PDF, A4 landscape orientation, grey images, 2 pages)
Apparitions and the Mission - version 3 (text only, for custom formatting)

Prayer Lots in Weekly Format

This Prayer booklet is for private printings and circulation. It contains a proposition of Prayer lots in weekly format including daily Prayers, Litanies and special Prayers.

Prayer Lots brochure (PDF, A5 format)
Prayer Lots brochure (PDF, A5 format, color titles and descriptions)
Prayer Lots text
Prayer Lots text (color titles and descriptions)

Warning and topics booklet

It is a booklet with excertps from Messages on several most imortant topics including in the beggining a few Messages about the Warning.

The Warning and topics booklet (PDF, A5 format, color cover, 32 pages)
The Warning and topics text (text only, for custom formatting)

The Seal of the Living God booklet

This is a booklet with excertps from Messages on the Seal - especially for priests.

The Seal of the Living God booklet (PDF, A5 format, color cover, 52 pages)

Medal of Salvation leaflet

Comprehensive leaflet about the Medal of Salvation with two images.

Medal of Salvation leaflet (PDF, A4, 2 pages)

Medal of Salvation small leaflet

It contains basic information about the Medal and the Crusade Prayer 115 associated with it. 4 small leaflets on A4 two-sides sheet.

Medal of Salvation leaflet (PDF, A4, 2 pages, 4 leaflets)

Leaflet about the Warning

Simple information and a few Messages regarding the Warning

The Warning - version 1 (PDF, A5 format, color, 4 pages)
The Warning - version 2 (PDF, A4 landscape orientation, grey images, 2 pages)
The Warning - version 3 (text only, for custom formatting)

Leaflet about Crusade Prayer Groups

Basic information about Crusade Prayer Groups

Prayer Groups - version 1 (PDF, A5 format, color, 4 pages)
Prayer Groups - version 2 (PDF, A4 landscape orientation, grey images, 2 pages)
Prayer Groups - version 3 (text only, for custom formatting)

In other languages

There are many leaflets, booklets and other materials in various languages to read and download. Please scroll down the website to see what is available in your language. Please help to translate. We can prepare all these materials in your language if you send us translations.

Internet banners

To be sent via emails, posted on forums, facebook, twitter and all other social platforms...

English language websites

   The Warning Second Coming

The old fficial website ( It is no longer in operation.

Now there is the new official website for the Mission - see top of the page JTMGLOBAL.NETWORK

   Father of Love and Mercy

The website Father of Love and Mercy (h contains all Messeges given to Maria Divine Mercy.

   MDM News Bulletin Board

This website MDM News Bulletin Board ( contains important informations from the Mission in USA, news and videos and various other resources.

   Mission of Salvation

This australian website Mission of Salvation ( contains all Messeges given to Maria Divine Mercy.

Multilingual websites


Website Internetgebetskreis (
An old website, the basic site for a few languages, it contains also important information and other translations and a lot of useful data.

   Jesus Beloved Saviour

Website: Jesus Beloved Saviour (
Search engine for the Messages in a few languages.
The only forum about the Messages (although there is no much discussion yet).


  Albania / Shqipëri

   Paralajmërimi - Ardhja e Dytë e Jezu Krishtit (

   Paralajmerimi dhe Libri i së Vërtetës

The Crusade of Prayer and Volumes 1 and 2 in book form are available in stores.

All Prayers and more Messages have been translated and are available on the website as well as some other leaflets about the Mission.

  Andorra / Andorra

It seems that there are no websites and no translations yet in this language. Is there? If you are a Catalan native speaker or know well the language, please, help to spread these very important Messages.
Would you like to help and translate at least the Seal?

  Armenia / Հայաստան

A simple blog and a contact form:
Քրիստոսի Երկրորդ Գալուստին (

The Seal of the Living God
   Կենդանի Աստծո Կնիքը (pdf)

Crusade Prayers and selection of Messages books have been printed and are available in stores.

All Messages and Prayers have been translated.

Some downloads / Ներբեռնել
Բեռնելու համար հասանելի ֆայլերի ցանկ:

Նախապատրաստություններ Հիսուս Քրիստոսի Երկրորդ Գալուստի համար

Խաչակրաց աղոթքներ:
Խաչակրաց աղոթքներ (RTF)
Աղոթքներ՝ խմբավորված շաբաթվա ձևաչափով (PDF)
Աղոթքներ՝ խմբավորված շաբաթվա ձևաչափով (DOC)
Խաչակրաց աղոթքներ: Աղոթագիրք

  Austria / Österreich

For the German language see Germany.

  Azerbaijan / Azǝrbaycan

No websites.

The Seal of the Living God
   Yaradanın möhürü (pdf)

It seems that there are yet no Prayers and Messages translated to this language. Are there? If you are an Azerbaijan native speaker or know well the language, please, help to translate and spread these very important Messages.

  Belarus / Беларусь

   Езус — да чалавецтва | JezusDaCzalaviectva (

The Seal of the Living God
   Пячатка Бога Жывога (pdf)

Nothing yet published.

All Crusade Prayers and Litanies have been translated. See the website. No Messages translated.

All Belariusan people can well understand the Russian language.

  Belgium / Belgien, Belgique, België

See the website Jezus-tot-de-mensheid-kruistochtgebedsbroederschap (

For the German language see Germany, for Dutch see Netherlands and for French France.

  Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosna i Hercegovina, Босна и Херцеговина

For the Croatian language see Croatia and for Serbian see Serbia.

The Bosnian language is almost identical with Croatian.

  Bulgaria / България

There are no websites yet.

The Seal of the Living God
   Клеймо на Живия Бог (pdf)

No Messages translated yet. Only the Seal. If you are a Bulgarian native speaker or know well the language, please, help to spread these very important Messages.
Would you like to help and translate anyting?

  Croatia / Hrvatska

   Upozorenje pred Drugi Dolazak (
   Knijga Istine-Poruke upozorenja (

The Seal of the Living God
   Pečat Živoga Boga (pdf)

All the Book of Truth volumes and the Crusade of Prayer book have been published in book form and are available in stores.

For Prayers and Messages and recent information see also the websites.

  Cyprus / Κύπρος, Kıbrıs

For the Greek language see Greece and for Turkish see Turkey.

  Czech Republic / Česko

   Kniha Pravdy (

The Seal of the Living God
   Pečeť Živého Boha (pdf)

All the Book of Truth volumes and the Crusade of Prayer book have been published in book form and are available in stores.

For Prayers and Messages and recent information see also the websites.

  Denmark / Danmark

   Advarlsen - Jesu Andet Komme (

The Seal of the Living God
   Den Levende Guds Segl (pdf)

The Crusade Prayer book has been printed. See here

(Det engelske hefte The Crusade of Prayer er blevet oversat til dansk med titlen Korstogets Bønnebog og er blevet trykt privat. Det kan rekvireres her)

Messages and Prayers have been translated. See information on the website.

  Estonia / Eesti

No websites.

The Seal of the Living God
   Elava Jumala pitsat (pdf)

It seems that there are yet no Prayers and Messages translated to this language. Are there? If you are an Estonian native speaker or know well the language, please, help to translate and spread these very important Messages.

  Finland / Suomi, Finland

It seems that there are no websites and no translations of the Messages yet in this language - only the Seal. Are there any?

For the Swedish language see Sweden.

The Seal of the Living God
   Elävän Jumalan Sinetti (pdf)

If you are a Finnish native speaker or know well the language, please, help to spread these very important Messages.
Would you like to help and translate some texts?

   France / France

   Messages du Livre de la Vérité (

The Seal of the Living God
   Le Sceau du Dieu Vivant (pdf)

The Crusade Prayer book and Volumes 1, 2 and 3 published already and are available in stores.

For Messages and Prayers which have been translated see also the website.

  Georgia / საქართველო

No websites.

It seems that there are yet no Prayers and Messages translated to this language. Are there? If you are a Georgian native speaker or know well the language, please, help to translate and spread these very important Messages.

  Germany / Deutschland

   Das Buch der Warheit (
   Mutter der Erlösung (
   MDM Prophezeiungen (

The Seal of the Living God
   Das Siegel des Lebendigen Gottes (pdf)

All the Book of Truth volumes and Crusade of Prayer are published in book form and are available in stores.

For Prayers and Messages and recent information see also the websites.

  Greece / Ελλάς


Only some Messages and Prayers translated. See the website. Please help to translate more.

  Hungary / Magyarország

   Második Eljövetel - Az Igazság Könyve (
   Igazság Könyve (

   Második Eljövetel - Az Igazság Könyve

The Seal of the Living God
   Az Élő Isten Pecsétje (pdf)

All the Book of Truth volumes and the Crusade of Prayer book have been published in book form and are available in stores.

For Prayers and Messages and recent information see also the websites.

  Iceland / Ísland

No websites.

The Seal of the Living God
   Skjöldur hins lifandi guðs (pdf)

It seems that there are yet no Prayers and Messages translated to this language. Are there? If you are an Icelandic native speaker or know well the language, please, help to translate and spread these very important Messages.

  Ireland / Éire

No Irish translation? Is there?

The Seal of the Living God
   Sèala An Dè Bheo (jpg).

For the English language see the English language.

  Italy / Italia

   Gesù all'Umanità. Ufficiale (

Facebook:   Messaggi da Gesù Cristo

The Seal of the Living God
   Il Sigillo del Dio Vivente (pdf)

Seals in other formats here.

All the Book of Truth volumes and the Crusade of Prayer book have been published in book form and are available in stores.

For Prayers and Messages and recent information see also the websites.

For French langugae in Val d’Aoste region see France.

  Kazakhstan / Қазақстан, Казахстан

No websites.

The Seal of the Living God
   Тірі Құдайдың мөрі (pdf)

It seems that there are yet no Prayers and Messages translated to this language. Are there? If you are an Kazakh native speaker or know well the language, please, help to translate and spread these very important Messages.

For the Russian language see Russia.

  Latvia / Latvija

   Jaunie Pravietojumi - Vestijumi Latvijai (

The Seal of the Living God
   Dziva Dieva Zimogs (pdf)

Selection of the Messages from the Book of Truth volumes and the Crusade of Prayer book have been published in book form and are available in stores.

For Prayers and Messages which all have been translated and recent information see also the websites.

  Liechtenstein / Liechtenstein

For the German language see Germany.

  Lithuania / Lietuva

   Pranešimai gauti per Dieviškojo Gailestingumo Marija (

The Seal of the Living God
   Gyvojo Dievo Antspaudas (pdf)

Only some Messages translated.

   Įspėjimas. Sąžinės Apšvietimas (pdf)
   Pasiruošimas Antrajam Jėzaus Kristaus Atėjimui (pdf)

The Crusade of Prayer book and Selected Messages book have been published and are available in stores.

See more information about the translations on the website.

  Luxembourg / Luxemburg, Luxembourg, Lëtzebuerg

For the German language see Germany, for French France.

There are no translations for Luxembourgish language.

  Macedonia / Македонија

It seems that there are no websites and no translations yet in this language. Is there? If you are a Macedonian native speaker or know well the language, please, help to spread these very important Messages.
Would you like to help and translate at least the Seal?

  Malta / Malta

No website

The Seal of the Living God
   Siġill t’Alla l-Ħaj (pdf)

The Crusade of Prayer have been translated - you can download it here: Talb tal-krucjata (pdf)

All Messsages have been translated.
Messaggi bil-Malti ta Marija Hniena Divina (pdf)

For the English language see the English language.

  Moldova / Moldova

For the Romanian language see Romania.

  Monaco / Monaco

For the French language see France.

  Montenegro / Црна Гора

It seems that there are no websites and no translations yet in this language. Is there? If you are a Montenegrin native speaker or know well the language, please, help to spread these very important Messages.
Would you like to help and translate at least the Seal?

  Netherlands / Nederland

   De Waarschuwing het Boek der Waarheid - de Tweede Komst (
   Her Boek der Waarheid (

The Seal of the Living God
   Zegel van de Levende God (pdf)

Volume 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been published in Dutch - see stores or contact us for information.

All Messages and Prayers translated. For information see the websites.

  Norway / Norge, Noreg

   Advarseln - Jesu Gjenkomst (

The Seal of the Living God
Den Levende Guds Segl (pdf)

Nothing yet published

Only few Messages and Prayers translated. See the website.

   Poland / Polska

   Księga Prawdy (
   Jezus do ludzkości (
   Biuletyn "Jezus do ludzkości" (
   Paruzja info (
   Pieczęć Boga Żywego (

The Seal of the Living God
   Pieczęć Boga Żywego (pdf)

All volumes and the Crusade Prayer book have been published and are available in stores.

There are even a few different translations of Messages.

For various leaflets, Seal cards, other materials and recent information about the Mission see this website Biuletyn "Armia Jezusa Chrystusa" (

  Portugal / Portugal

   El Aviso de Dios. Mensajes de Dios dados a María Divina Misericordia (
   Jesus e Maria (

The Seal of the Living God
   O Selo do Deus Vivo (pdf)

First two volumes and the Crusade Prayer book have been published and are available in stores.

All Messages and Prayers translated. Please see the website.

  Romania / România

   Profetie - Avertisment (
   Informatii si mesaje (

The Seal of the Living God
   Pecetea Dumnezeului Celui Viu (pdf)

All the Book of Truth volumes and the Crusade of Prayer book have been published in book form and are available in stores.

For Prayers and Messages and recent information see also the websites.

  Russia / Росси́я


Иисус к Человечеству (

Большое Предупреждение (

My Remnant, Мой Остаток (

The Seal of the Living God
   Печать Живого Бога (pdf)

Selected Messages book and Crusade of Prayer available in stores.

All Prayers and most of Messages translated but really many of them need to be revised. Please help with it. See the websites.

Some leaflets:
Подготовка Ко Второму Пришествию Иисуса Христа (pdf)
Медальон Спасения (pdf)

  San Marino

For the French language see France.

  Serbia / Србија

soon to be added

The Seal of the Living God
   Печат Живог Бога (pdf)

Seal cards:

- version A for proffesional printing: Печат Живог Бога (pdf)
- version B for proffesional printing: Печат Живог Бога (pdf)
- version A - 10 on A4 for home printing: Печат Живог Бога (pdf)
- version B - 10 on A4 for home printing: Печат Живог Бога (pdf)

Prayers and some other text translated. See the website.

  Slovakia / Slovensko

All Messages and Prayers have been translated. Not yet published.

Only "Prepare for the Second Coming" book published ("PRIPRAVTE SA na DRUHÝ PRÍCHOD ZÁVEREČNÉ INŠTRUKCIE PRE POSLEDNÉ ČASY Zostavené z posolstiev Knihy Pravdy, daných Márii Božieho Milosrdenstva Londýn 2020" with selected Messages and all Prayers and other texts) and avaiable in the stores.

In Slovakian - all Prayers and some Messages translated - please see the websites.

  Slovenia / Slovenija


Knjiga Resnice (

Knjiga Resnice v Slovenščini (

The Seal of the Living God
   Pečat Živega Boga (pdf)

Volume 1, 2 and the Crusade Prayer book are published and available in book form. See stores.

Some more Messages translated. Please see the websites.

  Spain / Reino de España


El Aviso de Dios. Mensajes de Dios dados a María Divina Misericordia (

The Seal of the Living God
   El Sello del Dios Vivo (pdf)

All the Book of Truth volumes and the Crusade of Prayer book have been published in book form and are available in stores.

All Prayers and Messages translated - please see the websites.

There is also the Spanish version of mobile App with Crusade Prayers in lots (


Varningen - Jesu Andra (

The Seal of the Living God
   Den Levande Gudens Sigill (pdf)

No book with Messages yet published.

Prayers and Messages translated. For more information please see the websites.

  Switzerland / Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera, Svizra

For the German language see Germany, for French France and for Italian Italy.

There are no translations for Romansh language, yet.

  Turkey / Türkiye

No website yet.

The Seal of the Living God
   Yaşayan Tanrı’nın Mührü (pdf)

Only the Seal translated. If you are a Turkish native speaker or know well the language, please, help to spread these very important Messages.

  Ukraine / Украïна


Isus do Ludstwa (

The Seal of the Living God
   Печать Живого Бога (pdf)

Volumes of the Book of Truth 1, 2 and 3 and the Crusade of Prayer book have been published in book form and are available in stores.

All Prayers and Messages translated - please see the websites.

   United Kingdom

For English see the English language.

All Messages have been given in the English language. No need for translations.

All volumes (1-5) and Crusade Prayer book have been published already. See here.

  Vatican City (Holy See) / Sancta Sedes

Do not follow the false prophet.
Latin was, is and always will be. the official language of the Catholic Church. Seal of the Living God in Latin - see at the top of the page.
For the Italian language see Italy.


For the English language see the English language.


For the English language see the English language.

For the French language see France (especially Québec, New-Brunswick, Yukon, territoires du N.O. et Nunavut and Saint Pierre et Miquelon).

  Cuba / República de Cuba

For the Spanish language see Spain.

  Dominican Republic / República Dominicana, République Dominicaine

For the Spanish language see Spain.
For the French language see France.

  Haiti / Haïti, Ayiti

For the French language see France.
In the second official languages - Haitian Creole - there is yet no Seal. Can you help to transalte?

  Mexico / México

For the Spanish language see Spain.
In various native languages there is yet no Seal. Can you help to transalte?

  Saint Martin / Saint-Martin and Sint Maarten

For the French language see France.
For the Dutch language see Netherlands.
In the second official language in Sain Martin - Haitian Creole - there is yet no Seal.

  French departments / Départements français - d'outre-mer

Caribbean/Caraïbes: Martinique and Guadeloupe.
For the French language see France.

Any other country in Middle America?

We can include here websites, links, Seals and translations. Please, contact us if you can help.

  Brazil / Brasil


O Livro da Verdade (

Livro da Verdade

Jesus à Humanidade

The Seal of the Living God
   O Selo do Deus Vivo (pdf)

For the Portuguese language see also Portugal.

  French Guiana / Guyane française

For the French language see France.

Any country in South America?

We can include here websites, links, Seals and translations. Please, contact us if you can help.

   Israel / Hebrew / עברית / ישראל

The Seal of the Living God
   חותם האלוהים החי (pdf)

Nothing yet published.

Only the Seal, some Prayers and a few Messages translated. Please help to transalte more.

   Arabic language / العربية


To be added later.

Nothing yet published.

Some Messages and Prayers translated. Contact JTM people in other conuntries to ask for this.


Nothing yet done. See other languages and countries.

Other languages or countries in the region?

We can include here websites, links, Seals and translations. Please, contact us if you can help.

   China / 中华人民共和国

New Era of Peace on Earth (

祢来吧的博客 (

The Seal of the Living God
The Seal in Traditional Chinese / 繁体字
   /Seal of The Living God/ (pdf)
The Seal in Simplified Chinese / 简化字
   永生天主的印 (pdf)

Nothing yet published.

All Messages and Prayers translated. See the websites.


No website.

The Seal of the Living God
In Hindi:
   /Seal of The Living God/ (pdf)

In Malayalam:
   /Seal of The Living God/ (pdf)
In Marathi:
   /Seal of The Living God/ (pdf)

   Japan / Nippon, Nihon

The Seal of the Living God
   /Seal of The Living God/ (pdf)

The Crusade of Prayer book has been published. Please see the stores

At least some Messages and Crusade Prayers translated. See the websites.

   South Korea, North Korea / 대한민국 (남한), 조선 민주주의 인민 공화국 (북한)

복되신 성삼께서 주시는, 재림 준비의 마지막 메시지 (

Internetgebetkreis Korea (

The Seal of the Living God
   살아계신하느님의인호 (pdf)

At least some Messages and Crusade Prayers translated. See the websites.

  Mongolia / ᠮᠤᠩᠭᠤᠯ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ Монгол Улс

It seems that there are no websites and no translations yet in this language. Is there? If you are a Mongolian native speaker or know well the language, please, help to spread these very important Messages.
Would you like to help and translate at least the Seal?

  Myanmar / Pyidaunzu Thanmăda Myăma Nainngandaw

It seems that there are no websites and no translations yet in this language. Is there? If you are a Burmese native speaker or know well the language, please, help to spread these very important Messages.
Would you like to help and translate at least the Seal?

   Phillipines / Pilipinas

Aklat ng Katotohanan (

The Seal of the Living God
In Cebuano Bisaya:
   Silyo Sa Buhi Nga Diyos (pdf)
In Tagalog:
   Tatak Ng Diyos Na Buhay (pdf)
In Waray-Waray:
   Silyo Han Buhi Nga Diyos (pdf)

Nothing yet published

Only special Special Philippine Edition The Book of Truth (Vol 1,2,3) is avaialbe here.

Some downloads in Tagalog:
Tagalog some Crusade Prayers (pdf)
Tagalog sample Messages (pdf)

Messages and Prayers translated - see the website

   Sri Lanka / ශ්‍රී ලංකාව, இலங்கை

No websites.

The Seal of the Living God
The Seal in Sinhalese (සිංහල භාෂාව) .
   /The Seal of The living God/ (jpg).
The Seal in Tamil language / தமிழ் :
   /The Seal of The living God/ (jpg).

  Thailand / ราชอาณาจักรไทย

It seems that there are no websites and no translations yet in this language. Is there? If you are a Thai native speaker or know well the language, please, help to spread these very important Messages.
Would you like to help and translate at least the Seal?

   Vietnam / Việt Nam

Sachsuthat - the Vietnamese website (

Nothing yet published.

All Messages and Prayers translated. See the websites.

Other languages or countries in the region?

We can include here websites, links, Seals and translations. Please, contact us if you can help.

Australia and Oceania


For the English language see the English language.

   Samoa / Sāmoa

No websites.


For the French language see France.
For the English language see the English language.
There is no Seal in Bislama language yet.

   Overseas Territories of France / Circonscription Outre-Mer

For the French language see France.
New Caledonia / Nouvelle Calédonie, French Polynesia / Polynésie française, Wallis et Futuna.
No Sells yet in vernacular languages.

Other languages or countries in the region?

We can include here websites, links, Seals and translations. Please, contact us if you can help.


  Benin / Bénin

For the French language see France.
In vernacular Fon language there is yet no Seal and for Yoruba see Nigeria.

  Burkina Faso

For the French language see France.
For regional languages Mòoré, Mandinka and Bambara there is yet no Seal. Can you help to transalte?


In the second official language - Kirundi - there are some translations here: Kirundi

For the French language see France.

  Cameroon / Cameroun

For the French language see France.
For the English language see the the English language section.

  Central African Republic / Centrafrique

For the French language see France.
In Sango language there is yet no Seal.

  Chad / تشاد‎ (Tshād), Tchad

For the Arabic language see Arabic language. For the French language see France.

  Comoros / Comores, جزر القمر‎, (Juzur al-Qumur, Qamar)

For the French language see France.
For the Comorian language there is yet no Seal.
For the Arabic language see Arabic language.


For the French language see France.
In regional languages Kituba and Lingala there is yet no Seal. Can you help to transalte?

   Democratic Republic of the Congo / DR Congo

For the French language see France.
In regional languages Lingala, Kituba ("Kikongo ya leta") and Tshiluba there is yet no Seal.
For the Swahili language see Kenya.

  Djibouti / جيبوتي‎ (Jībūtī)

For the French language see France.
For the Arabic language see Arabic language.
In regional languages Somali and Afar there is yet no Seal.

  Equatorial Guinea / Guinea Ecuatorial, Guinée équatoriale, Guiné Equatorial

For the Spanish language see Spain.
For the French language see France.
For the Portugese language see Portugal.
In regional languages Fang, Bube, Igbo, Pidgin English and Annobonese there is yet no Seal.

   Eritrea / ኤርትራ

No websites.

The Seal of the Living God
In Chichewa language / Chilankhulo cha Chichewa:
   Chidindo Cha Mulungu Wopatsa Moyo (pdf)

   Ethiopia / ኢትዮጵያ

No websites.

The Seal of the Living God
In Tigrinya language / ትግርኛ Tigriññā
   ማሕተም ናይ’ቲ ለጋስ ኣምላኽ (pdf)

In Amharic language
   /the Seal of the Living God/ (pdf)
Tigrynya some Crusade Prayers (pdf)
Tigrynya more Crusade Prayers (pdf)
And some more Messages:
And in Amharic:
The Crusade of Prayer in Amharic (pdf)
But only 103 Prayers, please help to transalte more.


For the French language see France.
In vernacular languages Fang, Myene, Punu, Nzebi there is yet no Seal.

  Guinea / Guinée

For the French language see France.
In vernacular languages Fula, Maninka and Susu there is yet no Seal.

  Ivory Coast / Côte d'Ivoire

For the French language see France.
In regional languages Bété, Dioula, Baoulé, Abron, Agni, Cebaara, Senufo and others there is yet no Seal.

   Kenya / Jamhuri ya Kenya

No websites.

The Seal of the Living God
In Kikuyu language:
   Mũhũũri wa Ngai Ũrĩ Mu oyo (pdf)
In Swahili language:
   Muhuri Wa Mungu Aliye Hai (pdf)

  Madagascar / Madagasikara

For the French language see France.
For the official language Malagasy there is yet no Seal.

   Malawi / Malaŵi

No websites.

The Seal of the Living God
In Chichewa language / Chilankhulo cha Chichewa:
   Chidindo Cha Mulungu Wopatsa Moyo (pdf)
In Tumbuka language / chiTumbuka
   Chidindo Cha Chiuta Wa Moyo (pdf)


For the French language see France.
In vernacular language Bambara there is yet no Seal.

  Mauritania / موريتانيا‎ (Mūrītānyā), Muritanya or Agawej, Gànnaar, Murutaane, Moritani, Mauritanie

For the Arabic language see Arabic language.
For the French language see France.
In regional language Arabic, Pulaar, Soninke, Wolof and for Zenaga Berber language there is yet no Seal.


For the French language see France.
In national language Hausa, Fulfulde, Gourmanchéma, Kanuri, Zarma and Tamasheq language there is yet no Seal.

   Nigeria / Nàìjíríà

No websites.

The Seal of the Living God
In Yoruba language / Èdè Yorùbá:
   Edidi Olorun Alaye (pdf)

  Rwanda / U Rwanda

For the French language see France.
For the English language see the the English language section. In Kinyarwanda language there is yet no Seal.

  Senegal / Sénégal

For the French language see France.
In regional languages Wolof, Soninke, Serer, Fula, Maninka and Jola there is yet no Seal.


For the French language see France.
In vernacular Gbe languagesa, Kotocoli, Kabiyé languages there is yet no Seal.

  French departments / Départements français - d'outre-mer

For the French language see France.
Reunion / Réunion; in Seychellois Creole there is yet no Seal.

Other languages or countries in the region?

We can include here websites, links, Seals and translations. Please, contact us if you can help.

Other regions


Other websites, blogs, articles and videos

   Crusade of Prayer / Cruzada de Oración

Prayer lots mobile App

There is also the English and the Spanish version of mobile App with Crusade Prayers in lot.

   Deaily Cruasde of Prayer selections

   Various resources, Crusade Prayers and some news - thw website is maintained by members of the Remnatn Army

   Crusade of Prayer / Cruzada de Oración

   Some useful information about the Mother of Salvation and her Medal of Salvation

   "THE BOOK OF TRUTH" group

   "CATHOLIC" facebook group

   Wolfe Kelly blog - Preparation for the Warning, the Miracle, the 3 Days of Darkness & the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

   Videos in Spanish / Videos en español

   Daniel 10:21 - The Book of Truth

   A few webcasts about the Book of Truth and some Messages (youtube, lauran08)

   Blogs about the Messages

   Farrinto blogspot: Maria Divine Mercy's Message of The Warning and The Second Coming of Jesus

   Collection on Scribid: 76 books hand-picked - contains messages/excerpts from Messages

     Seal of The Livin God in Music form - a few versions

   New Heaven and New Earth

   Prophecies of The Book of Truth


   Testimonies, webscasts and other videos by Lauran08
An on vimeo:

   Vieos with excerpts from Messages by kapf2

   Crusade Prayers in mp3 (on googledics)

Internet stores

where you can buy Book of Truth volumes, Crusade Prayer books, Medals of Salvation and Scapulars of the Seal of the Living God

   Vita-Aeterna for the whole Europe (especially West Europe) and the rest of the world:   Vita-Aeterna (

  Dove Orders for USA:   Dove Orders ( ( for Eastern Europe countries including Poland, Russia, Belarus, Armenia and others.
   Books in Ukrainian:   Український магазин Svitlo Istyny (

   Books in Czech and Slovak:   Český (

   Books in Hungarian:   Magyar Webáruház (

   Books in Romanian:   Magazin în limba română (

   Books in Croatian, Slovene and other southern Europe languages:   Centre BOT Web Shop (

   Books in German:   Das Buch der Warheit - Bücher, Medaille, Skapulier (

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